
We Count on You

Your contributions help fund the rehearsals, vocal soloists and instrumentalists, and all the preparations that make our exceptional musical programs possible. Plans for our 2024-2025 Season, our 88th Anniversary, will fill the coming year with the joyful sounds of music.

Be a Friend & Supporter

Every dollar you donate to the Chorale's Friends & Supporters Annual Fund counts. We would not be able to continue to sing without your generous support.

Levels of Giving

Heritage Circle $1000 + 6
Orchestra Circle $500 - $999 4
Benefactor $300 - $499 2
Circle of Friends $150 - $299
Patron $50 - $149

Heritage Chorale is a 501(c)(3) organization, and gifts are fully tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Your preference?

Mail a donation with this Printable Form OR
use the Online Form below.